A journey of faith and community, Grace Church Hanover began in the latter part of the 19th century. Hanover, PA was a growing industrial trade center and as a result became a hot spot for population growth. Grace was a missional endeavor of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the United Evangelical Church. In a rented Sunday School house on York Street Grace church began with seven members to its charter (five adults and two children). To this day their rich heritage of missional faithfulness to the Gospel is evident in our DNA. Grace has called a few locations home as well as denominational belonging: Spring Ave at Locust Street 1901-1974 then to 55 Albright Dr. to present. We have been Evangelical United Brethren, United Methodist and now a Global Methodist Church. Through all of the transformation and change we the people of Grace thrive because of our deep commitment to the Gospel mission of Jesus Christ. We preach with words and deeds the totality of who Jesus is that we may be the shining city on a hill, that we might be light, that we might be salt. We gather as a body of believers that are fully aware of our need for God’s grace in our lives, we praise God for who we are becoming as we live Christ each and every day, and look to the wonderful day of God’s completed work in the restoration of all things.